
Service Discovery Proposal on Kubernetes

Yay! Good news for Apiman on Kubernetes. My first official contribution to Kubernetes was just merged in. The proposal speaks to using Kubernetes Service Annotations to determine endpoint information about a service API including a reference to a description document of the API. Some thing I’ve learned is that the namespace part of the annotation name should describe the structure, and the…

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Kubernetes API Management importing a Camel with serious Swagger

Introduction Not too long ago Claus Ibsen demo’ed the camel-swagger module. The camel-swagger module allows you to describe your Camel REST service using Swagger DSL. In this blogpost we converted his example to run on Kubernetes using Fabric8. After deploying the service to Kubernetes we can then import the API into the API Manager that is Apiman. Once imported the SwaggerJSON DSL is prese…

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