
How to call a Kubernetes Service on OpenShift

Summery - Every kubernets service has different endpoints for the same service. Four scenarios are outlined that explain when to use what endpoint, depending on if the client is deployed on the kubernetes cluster or externally and/or if an API manager is used. Introduction We use Openshift as our Kubernetes implementation. Before we talk about calling a service, let’s first talk about deplo…

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Change the Kubernetes Domain on OpenShift

The KUBERNETES_DOMAIN is defaulted to vagrant.f8 in Fabric8, and if you forgot to set this system parametes before running the fabric8 install then you end up with routes containing the vagrant.f8 domain. To fix this you will have to reinstall the console. First export KUBERNETES_DOMAIN=<yourdomain> oc delete route fabric8 oc delete rc fabric8 systemctl stop openshift docker kill <fabric…

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Update 1: Proposal for Kubernetes Service Annotations.

1. This post is now old The final proposal got accepted, please see: https://kurtstam.github.io/2016/02/08/Service-Discovery-Proposal-on-Kubernetes.html https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/proposals/service-discovery.md 2. Original proposal The original proposal can be found at https://kurtstam.github.io/2015/09/22/Proposal-for-Kubernetes-Service-Annotations.html. This updat…

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One click to run Apiman on Fabric8

Apiman is a API Management application that help you add policies to your service and set up and enforce contracts between service producers and consumers. Fabric8 is cloud infrastructure build on Kubernetes and Docker. If you already have fabric8 running you can skip to 'Run Apiman'. 1. Install Fabric8 1.1. Obtain the Fabric8 installer This first step is specfic to OSX, if you are running someth…

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Protect a Fabric8 REST Service with Apiman

Apiman is a API Management application that help you add policies to your service and set up and enforce contracts between service producers and consumers. Fabric8 is cloud infrastructure build on Kubernetes and Docker. Please follow these steps to get Apiman running on Fabric8. In this post I will show you how to deploy a REST quickstart to Fabric8 and how to publish it as a Public Service on th…

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Proposal for Kubernetes Service Annotations.

1. Updated version There is an updated version of this proposal, see https://kurtstam.github.io/2015/10/15/Update-1-Proposal-for-Kubernetes-Service-Annotations.html 2. Problem description Service URL - Every Service has one (or more) endpoint. As a rule the endpoint should be located at the root "/" of the localtion URL, i.e. There are cases where this is not possible and th…

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Bleeding edge, steps to Deploy Apiman to Fabric8

Apiman is a API Management application that help you add policies to your service and set up and enforce contracts between service producers and consumers. Fabric8 is cloud infrastructure build on Kubernetes and Docker. Fabric8 is fun to work with but Fabric8 is a fast moving train! If you want to be on it you need to hold on tight. In this post I list the minimal steps to get Apiman running on F…

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Fabric8 Developer cheat sheet

A running list of commands and utilities to move around the fabric 1. Docker Log into a running docker container docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash See the log for a docker container docker logs -f CONTAINER_NAME Get some live stats for on all your containers docker stats $(docker ps -q) 2. Maven & Fabric8 The following commands use the Maven Fabric8 Plugin Create a Docker image of your…

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How to deploy the fabric8 console on docker

The fabric8 console is written in docker and the source lives on github at: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-console. To package the console up as a docker container first run gulp site and then to create and deploy the docker container use docker build -t fabric8/fabric8-console:<version> . where <version> is the version you want it to have in your docker repository. Now you are…

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API Management on Kubernetes

I just returned from the London MicroServices Architecture Developer Day. Attendence was really great and the tickets actually sold out. Here is nice writeup if you missed it. Marc Savy and yours truly presented API Management on Kubernetes. If you want to follow along you need to deploy the ElasticSearch app, the Fabric8-HTTP-Gateway app and the APIMan app - in that order. If all goes well the A…

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My Fabric8 VM is running out of diskspace!

The default Ubuntu image has a dynamically sized 40 GB harddrive. You may find that if you are working with Docker images, that this space fills up quickly. Before you start download the GParted iso. 1. Resize the vmdk file VirtualBox cannot resize a vmdk file. Instead you will need to change over to use the vdi format, then resize (to 100 GB) and finally create vmdk formatted clone of this. Make…

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Getting started with Fabric8 and OpenShift v3 on OSX

The full fabric8 docs can be found here. Here I took the relavant sections applicable to running on OSX, and I added some notes. OpenShift v3 relies on Docker for its container management. OSX does not support Docker natively. The recommended way is to use vagrant to create a VM with the correct Docker configuration. 1. Prerequisites Install whatever the newest version is of the following: Docker…

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