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Fresh Espresso & Open Source Cloud

I have a passion for all things open source. I live in Ipswich MA and work for Red Hat, on the fabric8 project. Fabric8 is a cloud micro-services platform so you can deploy your applications to an all open source cloud. I kayak on the Atlantic Ocean along the coastal North East from Massachusetts to Maine whenever I can.

S-RAMP needs you and you need S-RAMP

The OASIS SOA-Repository Artifact Model and Protocol specification S-RAMP v 1.0 has been out for a little over a year now and on the Artificer project has reached compliance to the 1.0 spec. Some cool features the Artificer project has implemented using S-RAMP are

  • Artifact, metadata, and information repository (publish and consume)

  • Software lifecycle management and workflows

  • Impact analysis

  • Discovery and reuse

  • Relationship/dependence comprehension and hierarchical analysis

  • Common configuration and policy management

  • Data auditing

The spec is very generic though, and can be used for a veriety of domains. JBoss is ready to take the next in developing the next version of the specification, however it has come to my attention that not many other companies have stepped up to work on this at OASIS. If you like Repositories, REST and Atom then I urge you to get involved. This is an opportunity to give direction of what happens next with S-RAMP. We’ve put in a lot of our time and are exited about it, but for the next step we really need your involvment! Please let your voice be heard at OASIS or Artificer or both!



About the author

Kurt Stam


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