The KUBERNETES_DOMAIN is defaulted to vagrant.f8 in Fabric8, and if you forgot to set this system parametes before running the fabric8 install then you end up with routes containing the vagrant.f8 domain. To fix this you will have to reinstall the console. First
export KUBERNETES_DOMAIN=<yourdomain> oc delete route fabric8 oc delete rc fabric8 systemctl stop openshift docker kill <fabric8-container-id> docker rm <fabric8-container-id> docker rmi <fabric8-image-id> systemctl start openshift gofabric8 deploy
Verify the new domain is updated using docker inspect <fabric8-container-id> | grep "OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI"
Finally there is one more thing to do which is to update where the openshift needs to redirect to after authentication, use
oc edit oauthclient fabric8
and replace vagrant.f8 instances with your domain.
If your new domain name ends in .f8 and you have DNS issues this may be from Landrush trying to do the resolving for you. Check your /etc/resolver directory and if it has a f8 file, delete it, as you probably want it to resolve the vagrant.f8 domain only. |