Not too long ago Claus Ibsen demo’ed the camel-swagger module. The camel-swagger module allows you to describe your Camel REST service using Swagger DSL. In this blogpost we converted his example to run on Kubernetes
using Fabric8
. After deploying the service to Kubernetes we can then import the API into the API Manager that is Apiman. Once imported the SwaggerJSON DSL is presented to API consumers in a nice viewer.
Obtaining and deploying the camel-swagger quickstarts
It is assumed you have a running Fabric8 instance running on Openshift 3 with Apiman deployed. Check this post if you don’t. Next, fork and clone the ipaas-quickstarts repository
git clone
To deploy the quickstart login to your Kubernetes master and invoke the f8-local-deploy profile running maven
oc login <your master> cd ipaas-quickstarts/quickstarts/cdi/camel-swagger mvn -Pf8-local-deploy
Show the camel-swagger API from the Apiman API Catalog
In the Fabric8 console look up the Apiman Application and find the link to the Apiman Console (look for apiman.vagrant.f8
, if vagrant.f8
is your Kubernetes domain.
The catalog display all services running on Kubernetes and you can start an import into Apiman right from the catalog to make this service available as a managed
service. Also you can view the API description right from the Catalog.
The old Camel learned a new trick and can describe its RESTful service using SwaggerJSON. Apiman can import the SwaggerJSON DSL document and present service consumers with a central API Catalog
from where the service description can be viewed in the nice Swagger editor/viewer.