
Protect a Fabric8 REST Service with Apiman

Apiman is a API Management application that help you add policies to your service and set up and enforce contracts between service producers and consumers. Fabric8 is cloud infrastructure build on Kubernetes and Docker. Please follow these steps to get Apiman running on Fabric8. In this post I will show you how to deploy a REST quickstart to Fabric8 and how to publish it as a Public Service on th…

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S-RAMP needs you and you need S-RAMP

The OASIS SOA-Repository Artifact Model and Protocol specification S-RAMP v 1.0 has been out for a little over a year now and on the Artificer project has reached compliance to the 1.0 spec. Some cool features the Artificer project has implemented using S-RAMP are Artifact, metadata, and information repository (publish and consume) Software lifecycle management and workflows Impact anal…

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